Selmer artist Clément Himbert, First Prize of Bayreuth International Competition, first and only saxophonist doctor of Paris Conservatory, is now teaching in China
Born in 1981 near Paris, Clément Himbert studies saxophone with professors Georges Porte and Vincent David, before he enters Paris Conservatoire (CNSMDP) in Claude Delangle studio. He gets saxophone degree (DFS) as well as chamber music (master) and teaching (master and CA), and he is now a doctoral student (CNSMDP / Paris-Sorbonne University), making a research about the creative role of the contemporary performer.
International award winner, after several French saxophone competitions (Bellan, Nord-Picardie, UFAM) he is the saxophone laureate for the 2005 Yamaha Music Foundation of Europe scholarship, and he gets the First Grand Prize at the Pacem in Terris Bayreuth competition.
He is member of Inédits saxophone quartet and Futurum trio (with viola and piano), with which he wins the Saxiana chamber music competition, as well as various prizes and the Illzach and FNAPEC coucours.
His interest for contemporary creation leads him to collaboration with composers Pierre Boulez or Mauricio Kagel, and he performs premieres for works by Régis Campo, Sylvain Rifflet, Gustavo Beytelmann or Ryo Daïnobu. Within various projets, he plays together with musicians as Marcel Azzola, Xavier Philipps or Ute Gfrerer and he also collaborates with writer Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès.
As a soloist, he performs Ibert Concertino in Markhaus Opera (Bayreuth), Glazounov Concerto in Parnassos Hall (Athens), Milhaud Scaramouche in Théâtre du Châtelet (Paris); his concerts took places in Europe, Africa, Asia or USA.
Since 2010, Clément Himbert teaches saxophone in Saint-Étienne Conservatoire (CRR), and he is one of the authors of the book 1846 – 1942 : naissance d’un enseignement du saxophone, about early saxophone pedagogy.
With Inédits quartet he released three albums, Nouvel Archipel, Miroirs and Chemin des Dames with singer Ute Gfrerer.