高国林 旅意青年萨克斯演奏硕士,内蒙古师范大学音乐学院器乐系副主任。毕业于意大利博洛尼亚国立音乐学院(Conservatorio di Musica “G.B.Martini”di Bologna)古典萨克斯演奏专业,师从意大利著名萨克斯演奏家Daniele Faziani教授。在校期间担任学校萨克斯乐团(SAX BO)首席,并担任校外普契尼管乐团(Banda Puccini)中音萨克斯声部首席和卡佐拉管乐团(Banda Casola)高音萨克斯声部首席,两年来随团演出超五十余场。期间还跟随山东艺术学院李志远、米兰威尔第音乐学院Mario Marzi等学习萨克斯。
Gao Guoli holds a master’s degree in saxophone performance in Italy, currently serving as the deputy director of the Instrumental Department in Inner Mongolia Normal University College of Music. He earned his master’s degree in Conservatorio di Musica "G.B. Martini" di Bologna, majoring in classical saxophone performance with the renowned Italian saxophonist Professor Daniele Faziani being his mentor. During his education, he was the concert master of the SAX BO (the campus saxophone ensemble). Outside school, he was also the concert master of Alto Saxophonem in Banda Puccini and of high-pitched saxophone in Banda Casola. He has participated in over 50 performances with other members in the orchestra over two years. During the same period, he furthered his studies in saxophone with Li Zhiyuan from Shandong University Of Arts and Mario Marzi from Conservatorio di musica "G. Verdi" di Milano.