2008年回国并成立刘赟萨克斯工作室,并多次成功举办个人及萨克斯师生专场音乐会。2009年至今多次邀请国际、国内萨克斯演奏家、专家教授,如萨克斯演奏家 法国巴黎高等音乐学院教授克劳德·徳朗格先生、乌克兰柴可夫斯基音乐学院萨克斯教授尤里·瓦西里耶维奇先生、泰国玛玛希隆大学音乐学院李贤教授、中国台湾萨克斯演奏家李承育老师等来青举办大师课及音乐会。2010年-2019年多次带领学员远赴香港、泰国、澳大利亚、德国等国家参加国际音乐节比赛并获得优异成绩。2013年与岛城众多优秀萨克斯教师组建青岛青少年萨克斯风乐团并担任团长。2015年11月授香港管乐协会邀请参演第七届香港管乐艺术节,并担任首席声部。2019年受邀参加维也纳世界乐团艺术节,并在维也纳金色大厅演奏萨克斯协奏曲《我和我的祖国》。至今所教授的萨克斯学生屡次在国际国内各类音乐比赛中获奖,并许多已优异成绩考入中国一本大学特长生及国内外知名高等音乐院校深造。2019年至今就职于青岛艺术学校担任萨克斯教师。
Liu Yun
Saxophone teacher of Qingdao Art School
Young saxophonist
Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music
Master of saxophone performance
Ph.D, College of Music, Mahidol University
In 2008, he returned to China and established Liu Yun Saxophone Studio. He successfully held many special concerts for individuals and saxophone teachers and students. Since 2009, he has invited many international, domestic saxophone players, expert and professors came to Qingdao to hold master classes and concert. Such as, saxophonist Mr. Claude Delange, professor of Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danes de Paris. Mr. Yuri Vasylevych, saxophone professor of Ukrainian National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, Professor Shyen Lee from College of Music, Mahidol University, Taiwanese saxophonist Li Chengyu, etc. From 2010 to 2019, he led students to participate in international music festival competitions in Hong Kong, Thailand, Australia, Germany and other countries several times and achieved excellent results. In 2013, he formed the Qingdao Youth Saxophone Orchestra with many outstanding saxophone teachers in Qingdao and served as its leader. In November 2015, he was invited by the Hong Kong Wind Band Association to participate in the 7th Hong Kong Wind Band Art Festival and served as principal saxophonist. In 2019, he was invited to participate in the World Orchestra Festival in Vienna and performed the saxophone concerto “My Motherland and Me” in Vienna Musikverein. So far, he taught many saxophone students have repeatedly won awards in international and domestic music competitions. Many of them have been admitted to a major university in China and well-known domestic and foreign music colleges for further study. Since 2019, he has been working as a saxophone teacher at Qingdao Art School.