毕业于德国柏林音乐学院,先后师从李雨生教授、萨克斯管演奏家Detlef Bensmann。曾应中国驻德使馆邀请参加国庆60周年文艺汇演,参加柏林音乐厅新年音乐会等演出。组建“蜂鸟四重奏”(Hummingbird-Quatet)、“音素二重奏”(Keysay-Duet),举办的音乐会受人民网、新华网等媒体报道;2017年参加全国高等艺术院校萨克斯管专业展演,携刘博博士创作的《十字游戏》同中央音乐学院等四所院校同台亮相编钟音乐厅(世界首演专场);2018年受邀参加第十八届世界萨克斯大会于克罗地亚国家大剧院世界首演《中国西部组曲》,同年贵州欧美同学会推荐代表贵州参加第三届中法文化论坛(西安);2022年受贵州省委统战部推荐赴中央社会主义学院学习;2023年受贵州欧美同学部推荐为全省海归典型得到环球时报报道;同年入选共青团贵州省委和省青联主办的省级人才日活动“贵州高质量发展.青年人才说”人物。
Prof. Lyu Graduated from Hochschule für Musik “Hanns Eisler” Berlin with a Master's degree in Saxophone. In August of 2012 he was introduced to Guiyang university, China as a special talent. He is the academic leader of musical performance, as well as the director of instrumental teaching and research in Guiyang university, China. He is also a distinguished member of the National Saxophone Specialized Committee of Chinese Universities and Music Conservatories.
As a student of Professor Yusheng Li (Sichuan Conservatory of Music)and concert performer Detlef Bensmann(Hochschule fuer Musik "Hanns Eisler" Berlin)Prof. Lyu developed his talents for music. Prof. Lyu regularly holds concerts in between study and work, such as the Saxophone and Folk Music Concert and the first Classical Saxophone Solo Concert in Hubei province, China (2005), Percussion and Saxophone Concert in Germany(2007), and YuKun and Friends Concert (2008). He also attended the symphony concert Saxophone Quartet of the Berlin Academy of Music in 2009.
Yukun founded Hummingbird-Quartet and Keysay-Duet in 2013, then held his solo concert at Guiyang Grand Theatre (2014) as well as The First Classical Saxophone Chamber Orchestra Concert in Guizhou (2016), which won great coverage on Chinese mainstream media networks such as Xinhua and Sohu. China News Service and Toutiao widely reported The Keysay-Duet concert (2016), which brougt culture of music appreciation to Guizhou province. In the meanwhile, Guizhou Transportation Radio broadcast his solo work during prime time. In 2017, Yukun led a delegation to participate in the 1st professional exhibition of saxophone in China's art colleges. He also played the academia musical work "Kreuzspiel" newly created by Dr. Bo Liu, and appeared on stage with the Central Conservatory of Music as well as Wuhan Conservatory of Music at a special concert of new works in the Wuhan Concert Hall. In November of the same year, he led his students to won the first prize of the Fifth College Students' Art Festival. In July 2018, Prof. Lyu participated in the XVIII WORLD SAXOPHONE CONGRESS and played Western China Suite created by famous composer Dr. Cheng Yi as a member of the United Saxophone Ensemble of Universities and Music Conservatories in China.
Yukun has also been active in the field of jazz. He cooperated with Guiyang Symphonie Bigband and gave an unveiling concert at the Taichung Jazz Festival. He is keen to develop and enhance students' curiosity about art, and is willing to pass on his skills, playing experience, and passion for music to students. He comprehends the heart of art though love and passion, through the deep understanding of the instruments and through his rich experience.