青年萨克斯管演奏家薛驭生被誉为“国内古典萨克斯管年轻一代的中坚力量”。他多次在各大比赛中赢得荣誉,包括Vandoren青年艺术家大赛第一名、法国Saxiana比赛第一名,纽约LISMA音乐比赛第一名、法国 Saxo Voce大赛第三名,并于2010年和2014年进入比利时阿道夫萨克斯大赛的正赛。他在美国新英格兰音乐学院、新加坡南洋艺术学院、浙江音乐学院、上海音乐学院附中、上海音乐厅等地举办独奏音乐会与大师班,并作为独奏嘉宾与IRCAM、苏州大学管乐团、上海交通大学管乐团、中福音管乐团协作演出。他还受邀担任亚太萨克斯学院、青岛国际单簧管萨克斯夏令营、MOSA萨克斯管集训营的导师。
薛驭生现任苏州大学音乐学院萨克斯管讲师。他在美国伊斯曼音乐学院获得萨克斯管演奏的学士和博士学位、在印第安纳大学雅各布音乐学院获得全额奖学金及硕士学位、以及法国巴黎Cergy-Pontoise音乐学院的演奏家文凭。他先后师从于章民、洪竟立、林建宽、Otis Murphy以及Jean-Yves Fourmeau教授。
Dr. Sean Yusheng Xue, a native of Shanghai, China, is praised as “one of the most exciting saxophonists of the young generation.” He has won awards in numerous competitions, including First Prize in the Vandoren Emerging Artist Competition, First Prize in the Concours Saxiana in France, Third Prize in the Concours Saxo Voce in France, and First Prize in the LISMA International Music Competition. Dr. Xue has given recitals and masterclasses at the New England Conservatory, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts in Singapore, Zhejiang Conservatory, Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall, and Shanghai Conservatory Music High School. He has been invited to perform as a soloist with IRCAM, the Soochow University Wind Ensemble, the Shanghai Jiaotong University Wind Ensemble, and the Zhong Fu Yin Symphonic Band. Additionally, he teaches regularly at the Asia Pacific Saxophone Academy, the Qingdao Clarinet & Saxophone Masterclass, and the MOSA Saxophone Workshop.
Dr. Xue founded one of the leading saxophone quartets in China, the Alah Quartet, and has regularly performed at the Shanghai Symphony Hall, the Cadillac Shanghai Concert Hall, the Oriental Arts Center, and the Shanghai Poly Theater. The quartet has initiated numerous commissions from composers in China, such as Zhu Jianer and Xu Jainqiang. One of their crowning achievements, the arrangement of 'Chasing Tiger' from traditional Peking Opera, has become an Internet sensation in China.
As a lecturer of saxophone at the Soochow University School of Music, Dr. Xue made his debut with his saxophone studio at the Second Asian Saxophone Congress in Shanghai. Their performance of his arrangement of Danzon No. 2 by Arturo Marquez received high critical acclaim. His students have won numerous competitions in China and garnered significant attention.
Dr. Xue received his Doctor of Musical Arts and Bachelor of Music degrees from the Eastman School of Music, and completed Master's studies at Indiana University Jacobs School of Music and the Conservatoire de Cergy-Pontoise in France. His past teachers include Chien-Kwan Lin, Otis Murphy, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, and Jingli Hong.