张鼎,青年萨克斯演奏家,中山大学艺术学院青年教师。师从法国波尔多国立音乐学院Marie-Bernadette Charrier教授和瑞士巴塞尔高等音乐学院Marcus Weiss教授。先后毕业于法国波尔多国立音乐学院和瑞士巴塞尔高等音乐学院获得双硕士学位。2016年获法国教育部颁发的国家高等职业音乐家文凭。
作为当代先锋派萨克斯演奏家,张鼎一直致力于原创音乐创作发表及推广,热衷于与当今活跃的作曲家交流合作,至今合作过的作曲家有:Georges Aperghis,Luis Naon,François Rosse, Matteo Rigotti,Claude Ledoux,Rudolf Kelterborn,Simon-steen Andersen,Stephane Prins,Alexander Schubert等。
独奏演出之余,张鼎也是一名活跃的室内乐演奏者。他是瑞士职业室内乐重奏团Kugel Ensemble、法国波尔多萨克斯重奏团、波尔多管乐团、DASP萨克斯重奏团、旅行者萨克斯重奏团和IMPEC project的成员。
Biographical of Ding Zhang
Ding Zhang was borned in ShenZhen (China) in 1992. He studied with Marie- Bernadette Charrier at the “Conservatoire de Bordeaux Jaque’s Thibaud” (France) and “Pôle enseignement supérieur musique et danse Bordeaux Aquitaine” (France). After finishing his studying in France, he studied the Master of Arts in Musical Performance in the Hochschüle für Musik of Basel (Switzerland) under the guidance of Marcus Weiss, where he obtained the highest grade in class.
During his study, Zhang has been given advices and feedbacks from Jean-Marie Londeix, Claude Delangle, Pierre- Stephane Meugé, Jean Michel Goury, Ferenc Rados and Silvia Simionescu. He won the Anerkennungspreise of the BOG competition in Basel in 2018 and was a semi-finalist of the 5th Jean- Marie Londeix competition in 2017.
Zhang has given recitals in China, Singapore, Spain, France, Thailand and Switzerland, and has taken part in many international festivals, including Darmstadt Neue Musik Ferien (Germany), Singapore Saxophone Symposium (Singapore), Zurich SaxFest (Switzerland), World Saxophone Congress (Croatia), KlangBasel (Basel, Switzerland), L.A Sax (Bordeaux, France) and Saxopen’15 (France).
Zhang is a member of Kugel Ensemble. He received scholarships from Stiftung Dozerien, Alava Provincial deputation, Haiku Stiftung, DOMS Stiftung and Hochschule für Musik Basel.
Now Zhang is the Principal Lecture of saxophone and chamber music/contemporary chamber music responser in school of art in Sun Yat-sen university in China.